Finding a Work-Life Balance

December 4, 2019 11:35 am

It would be fantastic if there was some magic pill or even an app that could make life more balanced. For instance, it would be freeing not to feel a constant pull in two different directions; from home and at the office. Often people trying to gain some sense of balance feel like they are not doing either well. If this even remotely sounds familiar then you will want to continue reading about how you can start to find a work-life balance. 
It’s often hard to know where to start when you are overwhelmed with family life and work life, and many times those responsibilities tend to overlap. With more and more employees working remotely or bringing a laptop home to “catch up on work,” the line becomes blurry about where home ends and work begins, or vise versa. 
While everyone’s lives are different, there are some similarities that experts have found in people who are attempting to balance their lives between work and personal life. Here are a few….

Get Organized 

It’s really hard to have a work-life balance when your physical space is a mess. Get yourself organized by creating some order to both your home and office workspace. It may take some time to file away all the paperwork, create a calendar, and tidy up the physical space that you occupy. Remember this is a process not a race! You may need to carve out a little bit of time every week to maintain organization as this is something that does not come naturally to lots of people. 

Manage Your Time 

Like most professionals, you probably have a long list of things to do at work and home. In order to create some level of balance between the two, learn to prioritize this list. You may want to mark whether each item is urgent, important, or can be classified as “can wait.” Finding ways to manage your time may also include delegating actions to some of your employees at work, or to a family member at home. Remember, you can not be all things to everyone and keep your sanity. 
In terms of managing your time, there are special considerations for those who work out of the home. In order to separate your work and personal life, it may be best to have a dedicated area to do your work at home, as well as a set time that you will work. It’s hard to have a good work-life balance if the laptop is always calling to you. Do yourself a favor and set a time for work so you know when you can clock out for the day and put your focus on your family or yourself instead. 

Utilize Technology 

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, so start using it to do just that. Tap into the hundreds of apps that can keep you organized, keep track of how long certain tasks take, or automize some of your work for yourself. Instead of driving to the office for a meeting use Google Hangout to get there remotely. Instead of keeping track of projects on your own, use an app that can keep each step of the project marked as completed or in progress. 
If you are looking for some ideas on how you can gain a work-life balance you may want to try our workshop on December 6th from 9am-3:30pm called Work-Life Balance

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