121 Loring Ave, Salem MA 01970
Directions From Route 128
Exit 25 to Route 114 East for 3.9 miles to Salem State University North Campus. Bear right at lights (following 1A South) onto Loring Avenue. Central Campus and the Enterprise Center are 3 blocks on the left, directly across Loring Avenue from the Salem Diner. Other nearby landmarks include Loring Liquors and Eastern Bank, all located at the same intersection as the Enterprise Center Parking lot.
From the South via Route 1A
Follow Route 1A North through Revere, Lynn, Swampscott and into Salem. One-half mile after entering Salem, bear right at the lights onto Loring Avenue (following Route 1A North). Other nearby landmarks include Loring Liquors and Eastern Bank, all located at the same intersection as the Enterprise Center Parking lot. Central Campus and the Enterprise Center is on the right directly across Loring Avenue from the Salem Diner.
If you encounter problems along the way, call the ENTERPRISE CENTER: (978)-542-7528.
Parking Information:
Parking for Enterprise Center events requires an Enterprise Center Parking Pass. Parking spots are located around the “Main Entrance” perimeter of the building and marked by “Parking for Enterprise Center tenants and guests” signs. All other spaces are student parking spaces and can result in a Salem State University Police Parking ticket. If you need a Parking Pass please call (978) 542-7528.
Entrances to the building are as follows:
-At the new “Main Entrance” (formerly the “South Entrance”), facing the Enterprise Center parking spaces
-At the front of the building (Facing the quad to the left of the bookstore )
-Through the Salem State University Bookstore (Go through the door at the back of the store.)