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What Are Rebrands for Small Businesses?

Rebranding is the process of a company rethinking a marketing strategy with a new name, logo, and design in the hopes of creating a new and differentiated identity for customers. Rebrands for businesses can range from brand mergers (joining with another organization), brand refreshes (change in values and brand design), and a complete rebrand (no resemblance to the previous brand). ...

Small Business Certifications to Stand Out as a CEO

Small business certifications can help businesses grow and gain an edge over their competitors. Here is a list of four small business certifications that can help your small business for the better. What are Small Business Certifications?  Small business certifications are recognitions that highlight how a business meets criteria or qualifications. They are often required for eligibility in specific programs,...

2025 Small Business Resolutions

In 2024, the Enterprise Center gave our list of four resolutions for small businesses to practice in the new year. Now for 2025, we offer a new list of resolutions, offering your business a clean slate where you review what worked in the previous year and what didn’t. Here are five goals to get you started for the new year. ...

Four Content Ideas for Your Small Business Website

As a small business owner, implementing blog content onto your website has beneficial rewards. If you continuously post quality content on your site, readers will see you as an authoritative figure and a leader in your industry.  How Does Blog Content Elevate Your Website? More content, such as blogs on your site will increase your visibility; more pages on your...

Why December is the Best Time of Year to Strategize

As we close out 2024 and head into 2025, you must take a look back at your business. While things tend to slow down at the end of the year, now is the perfect time to reflect on your business and the steps you will take in the future. Here are four reasons why December is the best time of...

How AI Can Have a Positive Impact on Businesses

In the Small Business AI Adoption Survey, about 83% of small business owners said they had planned to invest in some form of Artificial Intelligence in 2024. The use of AI can promise many benefits for small businesses including increased efficiency, cost, savings, and so much more.  AI Helps with Cost & Time Efficiency As a small business owner, it’s...

Low Budget Marketing Tips for Business Owners

Are you planning to market your business but aren’t looking to overspend on outreach? As an owner, you can find many opportunities to market your business at little or no cost to you.   Develop an Email Marketing Plan Email marketing can be a great way to get new visitors to engage with your business and maintain relationships with your existing...

What Does Company Culture Mean for Businesses Now?

As a business owner, it’s important that both customers and your employees are happy with your company. In 2024, company culture will be essential to business development and success now more than ever.  Why is Company Culture Important?  In all kinds of businesses, employees hope to feel a positive connection with their colleagues and the company overall. 94% of executives...

Social Media Marketing Tips to Boost Revenue

In 2024, social media marketing is one of the leading tools to increase brand revenue. About 55% of shoppers like to shop directly from social media. However, as a business owner, how can you make it easy for consumers to go from just social media scrollers to shoppers?  Sell Products or Services on Social Media Platforms  Social media is the...

Crowdfunding Tips for Small Businesses

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a business project or venture by raising money from a large number of people. It is the opposite of traditional financing methods where a project or business raises funds through a small, select group of individuals or institutions. Crowdfunding will help your small business raise large amounts of money so you have the budget...