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Hiring & Managing In Uncertain Times? (In-Person Workshop)

The Enterprise Center at Salem State University

121 Loring Ave | Salem, MA 01970

Thu, Mar 9, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 10:00 am

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In-Person Workshop – Enterprise Center 121 Loring Avenue, Salem MA

Speaker: Laurie LaBrie, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Senior HR Business Partner, Integrated Human Resources, Inc.

The workplace continues to be an ever evolving environment.  The recruitment and management of employees has become more competitive and time consuming for business owners and managers. There are many things that make up a successful recruiting and retention strategy.  The goal of this workshop is to:


  • Discuss recruiting tools, trends and challenges
  • Find ways to make your process more effective
  • Look at the impact of recruiting throughout the entire employee lifecycle
  • Develop a team of people to assist with successful recruiting
  • Assess staffing needs in light of a potential economic downturn


The workshop will include a question-and-answer segment.  This informative workshop is offered at no cost and is being sponsored in partnership with the Enterprise Center at SSU, North Shore Alliance for Economic Development , Salem Chamber of Commerce and the Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD).



Laurie LaBrie

Laurie LaBrie is the President of Integrated Human Resources, Inc. a Beverly based Human Resources Consulting Firm. Integrated deploys outsourcing strategies in the areas of human resources, worker’s compensation, employee benefits, benefits administration, and payroll to small businesses throughout the United States.

Laurie realized that although Human Resources administration does require several soft skills and solid communication expertise, the “business of human resources” is best achieved by setting up and executing all the critical human resources processes — from hiring to firing — in an objective and systemic way. This led her to the develop FullyINTEGRATED HR, Integrated’s proven, process-based system for effective human resources development, management and administration.

Laurie has served on the Government Affairs Committee of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations and The Advisory Board of the Employer Services Assurance Corporation. She received her B.A. in Business Administration from American University in Washington, D.C. and holds a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) designation as well as a SHRM-SCP from the Society for Human Resources Management. She has gained her experience in both large and small companies and has worked with Organizations to set “best practice” standards for human resource departments throughout the country.

Laurie is a highly-rated speaker on a variety of human resources and business topics for the Yankee Dental Congress, Small Business Administration, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, and various for-profit and non-profit business and organizations.

Laurie LaBrie

Integrated Human Resources, Inc.

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