Stacey Shipman
About Stacey Shipman
Stacey Shipman is committed to bringing out the best in people. For more than twenty years, Stacey has helped thousands of people discover their potential, build professional relationships, and maximize their impact.
As a communication coach and speaker, individuals and organizations rely on Stacey’s insights and strategies when they want to nail a presentation, improve business relationships and increase leadership effectiveness. Her programs will shift the way people think about business communication.
In addition, Stacey is the creator of Move Breathe Explore a community for professionals and entrepreneurs to connect, learn and grow as leaders. Programs include an eclectic mix of personal and professional development, networking, and retreats. Stacey markets these events in partnership with chambers of commerce, professional associations, and other groups.
Stacey is a member of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, and the Human Resource Leadership Forum. In addition, she is past-president and co-founder of the Hanover, Mass., chapter of Toastmasters International. Stacey holds M.Ed. and B.A. degrees from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
An avid writer and blogger, Stacey has contributed to the Boston Globe, is the author of Present Your Best: A Pocket Guide to Better Presentations and blogs about business and leadership at www.staceyshipman.com. She is also a certified yoga instructor and hiking, sailing and travel enthusiast.