Keith Lane
Keith Lane, Creative Director, Bio
Creative Director who brands seamlessly across all communications channels and always drives a major ROI for clients. People don’t work “for” me. They work “with” me. As a cohesive team, we solve problems and create innovative solutions 24-7. Clients prosper. We prosper.
Proven track record or why I would be an asset to your company:
> Recently honored as one of the top 100 creative influencers of the past 100 years.
> Winner of over 500 creative awards at major global and national shows such as The Clios, Emmys,
Communication Arts, One Show Gold, Andy Awards, London Art Directors Show, Paris Creative Show,
Tokyo Creative Awards, and The International Film & TV Festival Gold Medal.
> Founder, Partner, and Creative Director of the highly respected advertising and marketing
communications firms Emerson Lane Fortuna and Arnold Fortuna Lane, now known as Arnold Worldwide.
> I generate the creative strategy, unique selling proposition, brand positioning line, copy, and art direction. Most importantly, I am a team player. Together, we reach our neighbors next door or on the other side of the globe. No matter where the message travels we explore the geography of the heart.