(March 19, 2020)

The MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Baker-Polito Administration are working closely with the U.S. SBA

The U.S. SBA and Massachusetts Office of Business Development under cooperative agreement SBAHQ20B0022 managed through the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management established the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center (MSBDC) Northeast Regional Office, located at Salem State University. As an SBA partner, we are here to assist you with your small business needs.

The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program has been ACTIVATED!!

If you are already a client of the MSBDC-Northeast Regional Office, please email your advisor for the next step in the process:

Walter Manninen: wmanninen@salemstate.edu
Awilda Irizarry: airizarry@salemstate.edu
Nancy Gerardi: ngerardi@salemstat.edu 

If you do not have an advisor yet or forgot their name, please email:
Kaitlin Muldoonkmuldoon@salemstate.edu 

Kaitlin is the Client Service Coordinator. She will send you the correct paperwork and assign you to your advisor. The advisor will then email you to set up a time for “phone” advising and help you through the process.

Remember the MSBDC-Northeast Regional Office is available to help you with ALL your small business needs. www.salemstate.edu/sbdc.

Massachusetts Small Business Development Center (MSBDC)
Northeast Regional Office
Salem State University
121 Loring Avenue
Suite 310
Salem, MA 01970