Enterprise Center at Salem State University
The Enterprise Center at Salem State University welcomes entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals of all ages and experience levels to come in and learn something new. As an advocate and voice for the North Shore small business community, the Enterprise Center is a leader in helping business start and grow in this region.
North Shore Alliance for Economic Development
The North Shore Alliance for Economic Development works to help start-ups and existing businesses alike find the resources they need to thrive on the North Shore. The Alliance advocates for business, solves problems, and makes connections. In person, through this website, or through the Enterprise Center, the Alliance connects you to the resources and people you need.
- COVID-19 North Shore Conversations Podcasts (4/30/2020)
Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization Task Force
The Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization (EDRR) Task Force was formed to support local businesses during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The group meets twice a week to identify business needs and strategize ways in which to assist in recovery. Please see results from the Task Force’s recent Coronavirus Impact Survey here.
Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization Task Force Partners
- Tom Daniel, City of Salem
- Kate Newhall-Smith, City of Salem
- Christine Madore, Salem City Counselor
- John Andrews, Creative Collective
- Kate Fox, Destination Salem
- Laura Swanson, Enterprise Center at Salem State University
- Rinus Oosthoek, Salem Chamber of Commerce
- Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets
- Beth Debski, Salem Partnership
Chambers of Commerce
Membership in a local chamber offers many benefits and keeps business owners on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within their community and local marketplace. During this Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, chambers provide valuable information to their members and the community at large. Below is a listing and links of our area chambers.
- Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce
- Ipswich Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce
- North Shore Chamber
- Peabody Chamber of Commerce
- Salem Chamber of Commerce
- http://www.salem-chamber.org/smallbusinesssupport
- Wakefield Lynnfield Chamber of Commerce
Essex County Community Foundation
Essex County Community Foundation inspires philanthropy that strengthens the communities of Essex County by managing charitable assets, strengthening and supporting nonprofits, and engaging in strategic community leadership initiatives. Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life in the 34 towns and cities of Essex County.
Beverly Main Streets
Beverly Main Streets was started in 2002 by a small group of downtown business and property owners. The Main Street approach is centered around following a focused, deliberate path to revitalizing or strengthening a downtown, leveraging the district’s unique cultural, educational and historic assets to set it apart.
Salem Main Streets
Salem Main Streets’ mission is the continued revitalization of downtown Salem as a vibrant, year-round, retail, dining and cultural destination through business retention, recruitment, and promotion of the downtown district.
Creative Collective COVID-19 Resource and Info Page
Creative Collective is a business program that provides opportunities for small businesses, entrepreneurs, non-profits, organizations and individuals that are looking for a more modern and creative approach to business growth and brand awareness. Their COVID-19 Resource includes resources for arts, cultural, and creative individuals and organizations.
North of Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau
The North of Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. (NBCVB) was created in 1955 by legislation as one of 16 regional tourism councils in Massachusetts. It is a private, nonprofit, membership based agency that creates and executes marketing initiatives to increase travel and tourism in the Commonwealth.
How to Support Small Businesses in North of Boston, Massachusetts
This site contains a list of cities and towns North of Boston and changes in the operations during the COVID-19 crisis.
Workforce Resources
- North Shore Workforce Board
- Applying for MassHealth
- Behind You – Support to food service employees
- Bartender Emergency Assistance Program
- Family Child Care Providers Reimbursement
Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporation
Massachusetts Municipal Association
The MMA is a private, nonprofit organization comprised of city and town leaders in Massachusetts to increase the effectiveness in the municipalities.
The Salem Partnership
The Salem Partnership focuses on key long-range economic development projects with regard to Courts, Ports and Transportation and quality of life in Salem and surrounding region.
SCORE Northeast Massachusetts
As a partner of the Small Business Association, SCORE is an organization of retired professionals who provide free mentoring and learning opportunities to business owners.
Center for Women & Enterprise
The Center for Women & Enterprise assists business owners throughout New England in starting and growing their businesses.
Habla Español: https://www.cweonline.org/Entrepreneurs/En-Espanol
Whatsapp automáticamente Asistencia Directa para dueños de pequeños negocios:
City of Salem
- “Stop the Spread” COVID-19 Testing in Salem (10/21/2020)
- Beverly and Salem have partnered to create Resilient Together (10/14/2020)
- Salem Scholarship & Education Committee Now Accepting Applications for Education Fund Grants (10/14/2020)
- FYI Salem – Podcast (10/14/2020)
- City of Salem COVID-19 Update (10/1/2020)
- COVID-19 Testing Launch Program (8/11/2020)
- COVID-19 What You Need to Know (8/13/2020)
- Salem Haunted Happenings (8/10/2020)
- Emergency Order Regarding Use of Face Coverings in Salem’s Downtown and All City Parks
- Salem Together Assistance & Recovery Toolkit (5/5/2020)
- Business Resources during COVID-19 (4/30/2020)
- City of Salem Microenterprise and Small Business Relief Grant Program (4/30/2020)
- Cloth Face Coverings Required
Salem Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization Task Force (EDRR)
The Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization (EDRR) Task Force was formed to support local businesses during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The group meets twice a week to identify business needs and strategize ways in which to assist in recovery. Please see results from the Task Force’s recent Coronavirus Impact Survey here.
Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization Task Force (EDRR) Partners
- Tom Daniel, City of Salem
- Kate Newhall-Smith, City of Salem
- Christine Madore, Salem City Counselor
- John Andrews, Creative Collective
- Kate Fox, Destination Salem
- Laura Swanson, Enterprise Center at Salem State University
- Rinus Oosthoek, Salem Chamber of Commerce
- Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets
- Beth Debski, Salem Partnership
Creative Collective COVID-19 Resource and Info Page
Destination Salem – Local Virtual Activities
- On-line Shopping Guide
The Salem Partnership
- https://www.salempartnership.org/
The Salem Partnership focuses on key long-range economic development projects with regard to Courts, Ports and Transportation and quality of life in Salem and surrounding region.
City of Peabody
Destination Salem – Local Virtual Activities
Updated list of virtual happenings in the area
Destination Salem – On-line Shopping Guide
Information on Salem businesses selling merchandise on-line
City of Gloucester
- Business Resources (10/2/2020)
- COVID-19 Resources (10/2/2020)
Educational Institutions
- North Shore Community College
- Montserrat College of Art
- Salem State University
- SSU CoronavirusPreparedness