Businesses Involved in Offshore Wind

May 16, 2024 2:47 pm

Written by: The Oceantic Network

The offshore wind industry is complex, requiring work from a huge variety of companies across its supply chain. Hundreds of companies may be involved across the life cycle of a project. In many cases, the US companies previously existed outside of offshore wind and have tailored their services to suit the industry.

The offshore wind supply chain is formed of large, medium, and small companies that deliver a product or service under one of the four phases of an offshore wind’s project life cycle: siting and development; manufacturing construction and installation; and operations & maintenance. Examples of these products and services include:

  • Siting and permitting: Resource assessment; geophysical and geotechnical surveys; public outreach and stakeholder engagement; detailed electrical design; FEED; legal and financial
  • Manufacturing: Turbines; blades; towers; transition pieces; foundations and/or floating platforms; anchors and moorings; array cables; export cables and substation
  • Construction and installation: Transportation vessels; heavy-lift vessels; barges; tugs; safety patrol vessels; port logistics; cable-laying vessels and anchor laying vessels
  • Operations and maintenance: Crew transfer vessels; crew safety training; environmental data gathering; energy generation data; weather forecasting; spare parts inventory scheduling

Industrial sectors comprising the offshore wind industry include manufacturing, construction, finance and insurance, legal services, technology, energy and utilities. Subsectors include aerospace, automobile, defense, maritime, oil and gas, and transportation. Engineering, IT and logistics underlie each subsector. All these industries have products, services, skills, and expertise transferable to the offshore wind sector. Companies working in one of these sectors or subsectors are highly likely to be able to enter into the offshore wind industry with an existing product or service.

If you think your company or organization may have a place in the offshore wind industry, attend the upcoming Offshore Wind Ready Workshop being held by the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development in partnership with Oceantic Network on June 4, 2024, from 10am to 4pm at the Enterprise Center-  121 Loring Avenue, Salem, MA.  The workshop is free to attend but registration is required. 

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