Holly Daniels Christensen
Dune Jewelry
A CEO with an incredibly varied career path, Holly Daniels Christensen’s background has included stints as a zookeeper, pharmacy technician, promotional model, bartender, cellphone, car and cruise salesperson, not to mention 14 years in the highly competitive real estate business. Clearly the founder of Dune Jewelry is a unique “bootstrap” entrepreneur, unafraid of hard work, who possesses an inspirational “never say never” attitude.
In 2007, this self-taught jewelry designer began making beach sand jewelry for friends and family at her kitchen table, then officially launched Dune Jewelry full time in 2010. Now, Dune Jewelry employs a team of 30 people working in a 3,100 square foot loft space in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. They’re continuously filling orders for over 900 retail partners worldwide as well as their thriving e-commerce website where they focus on selling personalized Experiential Jewelry® that captures your most cherished memories.
Through contributions from their customers, Dune has gathered sand and natural elements from all seven continents. Dune Jewelry, the Original Beach Sand Jewelry Company® features custom rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, charms and men’s accessories set in sterling silver and 14kt gold which are all handmade in the USA. Holly has created an exclusive Sandbank™ which holds over 4,000 sands and elements gathered from iconic and memorable locations around the globe.
Holly is proud to spearhead many fundraisers each year for non-profit organizations such as SMILE Mass, Joslin Diabetes Center, and the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, APCC. In addition, Dune often donates a portion of their sales throughout the year to various charities such as the global relief organization All Hands and Hearts, the Surfrider Foundation and the P.A.W.S Project.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) named Holly Daniels Christensen the 2016 Woman-Owned Business of the Year for Massachusetts and New England.
In 2018, Inc. magazine honored Dune Jewelry as No. 2590 on its 37th annual Inc. 5000 List, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses.
Holly lives in Walpole, Massachusetts with her husband Eric Christensen, their two daughters Alexa and Lyla and their handsome chihuahua, Tex. She is dedicated to creating a future that motivates people to understand that continued hard work and perseverance is a direct path to success.
For more information on Dune Jewelry visit, www.dunejewelry.com.