Merrimack Small Business Technical Assistance Application

Business Basics

Business Address *
Business Address
As of October 2020, how many employees do you have?

Business Needs

The goal of this program is to pair your business needs with business consultants who have expertise to share with you. To do this, we need to understand in which of the following areas you need technical assistance to sustain and/or grow your business.

Directions: Please look at the eight consulting services areas below and rank them in order of your consultant service needs from 1 to 8 with 1 being the most needed and 8 the least:

Do you have a working relationship with any of the following (check all that apply):

How Has COVID 19 Affected Your Business

What are your current sales capacity? *


Have you been able to access any other services/funding in the last 6 months? *
Do you have a working relationship with any of the following (check all that apply):
How confident are you that your business will be in operation in 3 months? *
How confident are you that your business will be in operation in 1 year? *
How aware do you feel you are about small business resources available to you and other small businesses? *
Is your business working with any other small business technical assistance providers? (Please check all that apply below.)

Applicant Information

Participant listed below has read and agrees to the Participation Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Program Description. *