Most of the best products today have come from having a need and solving a problem. Elizabeth Sacco president and creator of Diabetic Dabs ™ will share her story of how she took her idea to a finished product that sells daily and is becoming a “must have” product for the diabetic community. Let her experience assist your business or new idea into a money making business. She will share the pitfalls and the successes she had along the way.
Liz Sacco is the proud owner and founder of Diabetic Dabs™ Inc. based in Peabody. A stay-at-home mom turned entrepreneur, Liz developed the concept of Diabetic Dabs after her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Dabs are an inexpensive and convenient essential for any blood glucose testing kit. Liz started the company with the hopes of making a positive impact in the lives of those living with diabetes. As a member of the diabetes community, Sacco is passionate about helping to simplify and improve the lives of families like her own by getting involved with helping to educate people on diabetes with speaking engagements and posting helpful information on Diabetic Dabs social media pages. In addition, she has also committed to giving a portion of all profits to help with diabetes research.
This passionate entrepreneur, who successfully launched her business through phases of conceptualization, product development, and commercialization into marketplace, received her Bachelor of Science Degree in International Relations from Syracuse University and landed her first career position at Merrill Lynch as a Financial Advisor. After working at Merrill Lynch for 2 years she landed another Financial Advisor position at Charles Schwab.
Leaving her position at Charles Schwab, her attention went to caring for her four boys and dealing with her son who had been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Her family had always been healthy and very active in sports with her husband, David Sacco, playing hockey on the 94 Olympic Team, Toronto Maple Leafs, Anaheim Ducks, and the New York Islanders and her sons joining in the fun of playing hockey and other sports. After the initial shock of the diagnosis, Liz looked for ways to manage the day to day living with diabetes for her active son. . Sacco quickly realized the absence of a safe and appropriate method of wiping away the blood after each glucose test. After thoroughly searching the market, Liz discovered that there was no convenient solution available to resolve the issue of where to dab the excess blood after testing, and so she conceived and developed and patented Diabetic Dabs™.
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Thu, Jan. 23, 2025 - 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tue, Jan. 28, 2025 - 8:30am - 10:30am
Thu, Jan. 30, 2025 - 8:30am - 10:30am