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Present With Power: Presentation Skills

Tue, Mar 6, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: $350.00

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Present with Power:  Presentation Skills

Tuesdays/Thursdays, March 6-22, 2018

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Salem State University – Bertolon Classroom Building

The ability to create and deliver presentations in a compelling, interesting way is a critical skill for everyone, regardless of job role and tenure.   In this highly interactive, intensive course you will learn practical tips and techniques that you can use immediately to improve your performance.  You will create a mini-presentation and an elevator pitch and practice them out loud.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to videotape each presentation and receive 1:1 expert coaching and feedback.
The presentation skills class size is kept small, 10 participants maximum, to foster a supportive environment to allow for maximum engagement and learning.
What you will cover:

  • Tools to aid in developing your key messages
  • How to analyze your audience
  • Gain the audience’s attention and keep it
  • Incorporate stories to create an emotional connection
  • Using visuals and supporting material
  • Leverage verbal and nonverbal skills
  • Handle stress and anxiety
  • Anticipate and field tough questions and situations

During the class, you will do the following:

  • Create your introduction, a mini presentation and an elevator pitch
  • Share presentations with peers and the entire class
  • Be videotaped and receive coaching and feedback.


NOTE: A Parking Permit will be emailed to you the day before the class begins.

REFUND POLICY: 100% refund before the first class meeting; 50% before the second class meeting. No refunds after the second class meeting.
In the case of a Salem State Online class, 100% refund before the scheduled start date. No refunds once the Salem State Online class begins. For all other online classes (Gatlin, Ed2go, or MindEdge) no refunds of any kind will be issued). Please call Andrea DiVirgilio at 978-542-6302 for more information.


Jeanne Union

Jeanne Union of Union Sales Presentation Coaching is an accomplished coach, facilitator, trainer and consultant with over 30 years experience in presentation coaching, sales, proposal management , consulting and business storytelling. She recently served in a global orals coach role at IBM and developed its orals coaching practice.
She has coached hundreds of sales teams and 1,0000+ individuals globally, contributing to sales of $14B at IBM.
Before joining IBM, Jeanne held positions in sales, sales management, consulting, and business development in technology and financial service firms.
Jeanne is a trusted advisor to sales teams, helping them define their strategy as they develop and deliver complex oral proposals and product demonstrations. To deliver a compelling and client-focused presentation, she helps teams:
 analyze the audience
 articulate the big picture vision for the client
 define their value proposition
 establish competitive differentiation
 field tough questions She is a sought-after coach who creates a powerful, simulated learning environment where speakers strengthen their winning messages and practice delivering them with impact before their high stakes meetings. In addition to sales teams, Jeanne coaches entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas, products and services, including a contestant for ABC’s Shark Tank reality TV show. She serves as a mentor at Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) and has conducted workshops at InnoVentures and 128 Innovation Capital Group. She recently presented Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch at the SBA and Senator Elizabeth Warren Business Matchmaking event and Sales Presentation Skills for the Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE). Jeanne has a B.A. in English from Westfield State University and a M.Ed. in Human Development from Northeastern University. She attended Duarte Academy and completed their VisualStory Workshop. She is a member of the Association for Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) and Women in Technology (WITI).

Union Sales Presentation Coaching
617-513-5415 – jeanne.union@gmail.com

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