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The Bee School at Salem State University – Queen Rearing Mini Course

Salem State University

352 Lafayette St. | Salem, MA 01970

Thu, Sep 22, 2016 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: $50.00

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The Bee School at Salem State University – Queen Rearing Mini-Course
This mini course teaches beekeepers two skill sets necessary in maintaining a sustainable apiary.
SKILL SET 1: Making Increases Through Splits:
In this presentation beekeepers are taught how to increase the number of hives by splitting their existing hives into NUCS which can be later increased into a standard hive.  Both walk away and queen introduced splits are discussed.  Topics include necessary equipment, timing, split development, and NUC management.
SKILL SET 2: Queen Rearing Using Non Grafting Techniques
In this presentation beekeeper are taught how to raise queen honey bees employing non grafting techniques.  All aspects of raising vibrant honey queens are examined including necessary equipment, timing, drone development, mating NUCS, queen banking, and queen introduction.
Course Structure:
The course is divided into two distinctly separate meetings:
Meeting 1: Salem State University – Fall (9/22/16)
This classroom meeting details the equipment, procedures, and manipulations, necessary to execute the two skill sets.
Meeting 2: Black Birch Farm – Spring (Date to be decided)
Students will practice the procedures for making splits and raising queens in an active apiary (appropriate protective clothing is required)
The scheduling of the two meetings is set so students have time over the winter months to acquire and assemble the necessary equipment which will enable them, at the conclusion of Meeting 2, to take what they have learned and put it into immediate practice.
NOTE:  This program is held at Salem State University in the Bertolon Classroom building on Central Campus.  A parking permit will be emailed to you on receipt of your registration.  For more information, please call 978-542-6302 or email corped@salemstate.edu.


William Hamilton

Dr. William Hamilton has been keeping bees for over 45 years in locations across the U.S. He completed graduate level work on honey bee biology and currently operates apiaries in Massachusetts and Connecticut and directs a Honey Bee Phenology Research Station.

William Hamilton

Bees, Inc.

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