Retaining Great Employees

July 15, 2015 7:11 am

Creating a strong and vibrant work force that meshes with your company personality does not end once the hiring process has been completed.  If you went to great lengths to identify, interview and hire talented employees that are the “right fit”  for your business then you should make it a top priority  to practice good retention policies as well.   Let’s take a look at some methods to help your business keep your most valued employees.

  • Communication – During exit interviews, one of the biggest complaints from employees to human resources is usually a lack of good communication or problems that stem from a lack of communication.  Create an environment where employees feel like they can talk about issues either through regular staff meetings, open-door polices with management or via virtual meetings to hash out problems inherent in group projects.  Employees need to feel that they are being listened to and that their ideas matter.
  • Rewards and Perks – Depending upon the financial situation at your small business, try to offer some kind of monetary perk or reward whether it is stock options, merit raises, bonuses for a projects well done, or even gift cards.  This can be done publicly or privately to reward for positive results or a job well done.  A built in incentive system can keep employees going when things get tough or even boring at work.
  • Clear expectation and goals – Employees like to know what is expected of them and others with whom they work.  In addition, feeling connected to the organization’s goals is one way to keep employees mentally and emotionally tied to your company.
  • Employee education and advancement –

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